Acta Polytechnica Hungarica (APH) is a multidisciplinary international peer reviewed journal of applied sciences publishing high-quality articles in min. 6 issues per year. The journal aims to provide an international forum for the publication of original, novel fundamental research and applications-based investigation topics, interpretative reviews and discussion of new developments in engineering sciences as listed below:?Mechanical Engineering?Electrical Engineering?InformaticsReports of carefully executed experimental work are also welcome. The overall focus is on original and rigorous research results which have generic significance.Within APH, the Mechanical Engineering track presents papers dealing with topics in Materials Science and Technologies, Manufacturing Engineering, Machinery and Modeling, Design in Mechanical Engineering, Actuators and Sensors, Intelligent Control, Robotics, and Automotive Systems. Within APH, the Electrical Engineering track presents papers including Power Systems and Renewable Energy, Power Conversion and Automation, Microelectronic Technology, and Mobile Communication. Within APH, the Informatics track presents papers dealing with different aspects of Embedded Systems, Software Engineering, and Control Engineering.